Nemo Judex in Causa Sua
Expressão delicada e respeitosa com que se pede ao interlocutor permissão para discordar de seu ponto de vista. - dare nemo potest quod non habet neque plus quam habetNinguém pode dar o que não possui nem mais do que possui. Firebase Alpha Khyron September 2006 Tank Military Vehicles Photo Furthermore this rule is against the legal dictum of nemo judex in causa sua no one can be a judge in their own cause. . It is more concerning because the chief judge is positioned to promote justice at all times and should not be found to flagrantly violate the. Imposing any fine whatsoever without due process of law is arbitrary as it contravenes the principles of Nemo judex in causa sua which literally means one cannot be a judge in his own cause. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. We regrettably recall the illegal demolition of Prudent Hotel Alode and Etemeteh. Imposing any fine whatsoever without due process of law is arbitrary as...